Our Community Continues To Inspire Us With Their Goodwill

One hospital donation paves the way for another—the power of community is real.

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We recently donated Magnetic Me pajamas to the Englewood Health NICU in New Jersey and this donation filled our cups in a way that hadn't before. It was the true culmination of our mission to make getting dressed easier, our daily doin' good mantra, and the power of this awesome community. Paying it forward can touch the lives of people you'd never know, and today, we learn that through Zayan Hagens' story.

Zayan reached out to us after reading a blog post about our donation program to pediatric ICUs across the country. Her son Grant spent 37 days in the NICU at Englewood Health and she credits a part of her positive experience to the Magnetic Me preemie pajamas she was gifted by a friend. She found the magnetic closures so useful that she wanted other families in the NICU to experience the convenience and ease that she did.

We were thrilled Zayan contacted us directly and that we were able to meet her in person at the hospital where we personally delivered the donation. Knowing that one donation sparked another completely fills our hearts and is confirmation that giving our pajamas to babies and families who need it is the right thing to do. So, we're just gonna keep on doing it!

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Zayan’s NICU Story:

I had a very easy pregnancy up until the day before my first child was born. Eight weeks prior to my son Grant's due date, I woke up with terrible nausea and vomiting, which I assumed was either a stomach bug or normal third-trimester symptoms. The next day, I consulted a close friend who is an OB GYN, and she ordered me to get in the car and rush to the ER immediately.

At 32 weeks pregnant, I didn't have a hospital bag packed. My husband and I simply thought we'd be in and out with a quick ultrasound and a prescription for nausea medication. When my blood work results came back, the mood in the room drastically changed. My doctor re-entered the room with a team of nurses and informed us that I had HELLP syndrome with extremely high blood pressure, elevated liver enzymes, and severely low platelet counts—an emergency C-section was to take place in the next 30 minutes. When I asked if our baby would be okay, the doctor said, “we'll do the best we can.”

Born at 2 lbs, 13.2 oz, Grant was immediately whisked away to NICU. Because of general anesthesia, I was not mentally present during the birth or the days to follow and my husband was not allowed in the operating room. However, the medical staff, doctors, and nurses at Englewood Health were so kind, patient, and empathetic—it made the traumatic and uncertain experience much more bearable knowing that our son was in the best hands possible.

The next 37 days were an emotional rollercoaster and a steep learning curve in watching Grant grow, develop, and reach his NICU milestones. Our NICU nurses celebrated the positive moments, supported us when we were down, and became like family. I don’t know what we would have done without them—they are true heroes.

While in the NICU, Grant wore donated infant clothes that were double his size. It wasn't until he was four weeks old that a friend told me about Magnetic Me preemie pajamas. The preemie sizes fit him perfectly.

When Grant came home, we were still feeding him every two to three hours throughout the day and night so he could gain strength and weight. The constant changes brought me back to our time in the NICU when I watched the nurses change babies with tubes and wires into outfits with buttons and zippers. All of the maneuvering wasn't easy. For those who know, it can be exhausting to unbutton a baby especially in the middle of the night, with or without the obstacles of tubes and wires. Magnets made changing Grant exponentially easier.

I am so grateful for the Magnetic Me—Englewood Health NICU partnership and hope the outfits that Magnetic Me donate make a difference for the NICU nurses and families as it did for mine.

If you or someone you know has an idea for a partnership with a NICU or CICU, please DM us at @magneticme or contact press@magneticme.com.