Behind The Print: Game For Play

Briagëll Perret inspires us all with her take on beginnings being full of promise and finding magic and unpredictability in what inspires her.

game for play - Briagëll Perret - Magnetic Me

Did you know that when you purchase one of our exclusive prints, it's like buying (and wearing) a work of art? You’re not only getting an adorable outfit, but you’re also supporting a female artist or designer who is passionate about bringing art and joy into the world.

Our Behind The Print series gives us an intimate look at the artists who hand or digitally draw prints exclusively for Magnetic Me. We learn about what inspires them and their unique design process.

Today, we talk to Briagëll Perret—the incredible textile pattern designer who created our Game For Play print.

game for play GIF print - Magnetic Me

Q: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your background?

Hi, my name is Briagëll Perret. I live in Paris and graduated in fashion design. I am now a textile pattern designer. I have a passion for handwork, sewing, playing guitar, and, of course, drawing. I work in various industries, including fashion, home decor, toy design, and stationary.

Q: What about your source of inspiration as an artist?

My source of inspiration as an artist comes from a variety of places, including childhood memories, children's books, folk art museums, cartoons, and walking around my town. Inspiration is a magical and unpredictable process, and I never know exactly where it will come from.

game for play kimono - magnetic me

Q: What was your inspiration for the Game For Play print?

My inspiration for this print was to create an animal print with a twist of fancy and graphic elements. I wanted to play with the idea of a classic monochrome animal print, but with a modern and unexpected twist.

Q: Can you tell us a bit about your design process?

My design process begins with composition and the rhythm of the pattern. I then focus on graphic design, researching with my favorite tool: a calligraphy fountain pen. I experiment with different color combinations and make adjustments as necessary. Overall, my process is very hands-on and I like to explore all the possibilities before committing to a final design.

game for play banner magnetic me

Q: How does it make you feel to know this print exists as living art in the world? What feelings or emotions do you hope this print evokes?

I have a lot of great memories of the prints that were around me when I was growing up, like the prints on my dresses, the wallpaper in my room and the napkins at my grandparents' houses. So, it feels pretty cool to be able to make my own prints that could be part of someone else's life too. I hope my print evokes happy memories for those who wear it.

Q: Tell us a bit more about yourself – a few fun facts, perhaps?

I love the beginning stages of learning something new. That's why I am always trying new things. For the last three years, I have been learning to play guitar and pole dancing. I find beginnings to be full of promises and potential.