life in quarantine: covid-19 testing and the containment zone

Hi Everyone! It's Lauren here, one of the co-founders of Magnetic Me. I've been living the last 14 days in quarantine as one of the first neighborhoods exposed to COVID-19. I now live in our country's first designated "containment zone" (more on this later). I've already been through a lot of what you may be going through now. It's definitely a nerve-wracking time but the most important thing to do is to remain calm, take deep breathes and listen to what our government leaders are advising.

We will be posting different topics here on our blog about things you can do to get through quarantine and hopefully answer any questions you may have.

First up: Testing!

If you are exhibiting symptoms of Corona and do need to be tested, it's easy and takes seconds. They will swab your nose and swab your throat and that's it. Here are a few Department of Health workers that came to our house. We had just finished playing with our slime kit and reading our BOB books (on the table) :).

If you have kids, you may want to have them watch you get the test... or you might not. Our 6 year old watched and learned. My 5 year old twins watched and panicked (that wasn't fun).

We got the test results 5 days later that we were negative. Yours may come back faster than that. Resources were not as readily available as they are now.

What is a containment zone? Truth is, we're not exactly sure. Here in New York, our governor designated a one mile radius around a COVID-19 hotspot (my house is mid-center) as a containment zone and sent in the National Guard to help clean our schools and distribute food to the needy. No streets are blocked off and nobody is restricted from going in or out. What are they containing? Still don't know. The streets here are quiet though except the occasional person out for a walk with their dogs.

Up next: Quarantine and homeschooling! Woah and Wah!

for more COVID-related resources, check out our instagram & IGTV